1. High Quality of Life Ottawa consistently ranks among the top cities in Canada for quality of life. The city offers an excellent balance of work, leisure, and family life, making it an attractive place to settle down. The public services, healthcare, and educational institutions are top-notch, … [Read more...]
Canada Unravelling? – A Comprehensive Look at Canada’s Most Pressing Issues
In recent times, the national discourse in Canada has been dominated by emotional and often shallow discussions. While these conversations may capture public attention, they frequently overshadow deeper, more significant issues that truly impact our nation's future. Here, I present a detailed … [Read more...]
Taking Stock: Why am I Here?
This profound question has been a cornerstone of human contemplation for centuries. As the Dalai Lama once said, "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." Yet, happiness often eludes us when we seek it directly. Instead, it is found in the meaningful pursuit of our passions and the service of … [Read more...]
Embracing Our Journey: A Heartfelt Reflection on Canada Day
Hello everyone, and Happy Canada Day! On this radiant #CanadaDay, I am deeply grateful for the privilege of calling this awe-inspiring nation my home. Canada, just as is the case for each of us, has had its share of challenges while celebrating many accomplishments. We all acknowledge that there … [Read more...]
Strategies for International Students to Overcome Job Search Challenges in Canada
If you've been following my blog, you'll know my last two blogs were focused on discussing the challenges that international students, especially those from India, face when they come to Canada - with a specific empahsis on the challenges faced in finding a job. In my first blog, we talked about the … [Read more...]
Overcoming Job Search Challenges: What International students can expect in Canada
If you caught my previous blog, I dove into the struggles that international students, especially those from India, face when they come to Canada. Today, I am taking that discussion a step further by focusing on why finding a job can be particularly challenging for the students. This blog is a … [Read more...]
Navigating the Journey from India to Canada: Challenges Faced by International Students
Today, I want to dive into a topic close to my heart – the challenges that international students, especially from India, face when they come to Canada. Having lived in Canada for over 20 years and working closely with many students, I’ve seen these hurdles up close. Let's break it … [Read more...]
Empowering Understanding: A Journey from Directive Analysis to Collaborative Exploration
There are two main ways to help people understand complex ideas. Approach One: Directive Analysis In this method, you assume that people lack either the competence or the capacity to connect the dots on their own. You analyze the situation through your own lens, influenced by your perspective … [Read more...]
Discovering Our Path: Embracing the Truth Beyond Maya
In the constant ebb and flow of life, it's easy to become ensnared by societal expectations, the judgments of others, and the relentless pursuit of validation. However, amidst this chaos, it's crucial to reconnect with the true essence of our existence and the unique path we choose to … [Read more...]
Learning a Trade Skill Before Moving to Canada: Why it could serve you very well
When I first considered moving to Canada, one piece of advice I wish I had received was to invest my time, effort, and energy into learning a trade skill. Whether it’s personal grooming or a professional trade related to construction like woodworking, carpentry, plumbing, or HVAC, mastering a trade … [Read more...]