As we close a year that saw renewed scrutiny of the business world - marked by debates over the impact of corporate activities, the evolving landscape of work-life balance, businesses reneging on remote work arrangements, and the glaring inequities in how people are rewarded and compensated - I felt … [Read more...]
From Dreams to Dynasties – The Watumull Story: A Generational Odyssey in Resilience and Vision
This morning, as I sipped my coffee and prepared for the final stretch of 2024, I stumbled upon a story that jolted me with inspiration. It was a BBC article about a family of Indian descent ("The Watumull's") who arrived in Hawaii in the early 1900s, seeking nothing more than opportunity and the … [Read more...]
The 3Fs That Drive Productivity and Purpose: A Journey into Focus, Flow, and Fulfillment
Some frameworks stay with you, not just because they are insightful but because they resonate deeply with how you approach life and work. JD Meier’s "Focus, Flow, and Fulfillment" - a cornerstone of his Agile Results productivity system - has been one of those frameworks that I recently discovered … [Read more...]
What Is to Be Done? A Question That Demands More Than an Answer
Some questions are timeless, persistent in their relevance, haunting in their simplicity. What is to be done? It is the kind of inquiry that resists answers, ricocheting instead into more questions: What can be done? Why hasn’t it been done? And perhaps most provocatively, why are we still asking … [Read more...]
The Power of Year-End Reflection: A Personal Framework for Clarity and Growth
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s natural to find ourselves reflecting on the past 12 months. What went well? What could have been better? What’s next? These are common questions we ask ourselves at this time of year, and while they seem simple, the answers often reveal more than we initially expect. … [Read more...]