Leadership is not a title you bestow upon yourself; it is a status conferred upon you by those who choose to follow. You are not a leader until the people around you accept you as one. True leadership is recognized and validated by those who follow, not merely claimed by the individual. This … [Read more...]
Strategies for International Students to Overcome Job Search Challenges in Canada
If you've been following my blog, you'll know my last two blogs were focused on discussing the challenges that international students, especially those from India, face when they come to Canada - with a specific empahsis on the challenges faced in finding a job. In my first blog, we talked about the … [Read more...]
Overcoming Job Search Challenges: What International students can expect in Canada
If you caught my previous blog, I dove into the struggles that international students, especially those from India, face when they come to Canada. Today, I am taking that discussion a step further by focusing on why finding a job can be particularly challenging for the students. This blog is a … [Read more...]
Navigating the Journey from India to Canada: Challenges Faced by International Students
Today, I want to dive into a topic close to my heart – the challenges that international students, especially from India, face when they come to Canada. Having lived in Canada for over 20 years and working closely with many students, I’ve seen these hurdles up close. Let's break it … [Read more...]
Learning a Trade Skill Before Moving to Canada: Why it could serve you very well
When I first considered moving to Canada, one piece of advice I wish I had received was to invest my time, effort, and energy into learning a trade skill. Whether it’s personal grooming or a professional trade related to construction like woodworking, carpentry, plumbing, or HVAC, mastering a trade … [Read more...]
Strategic Employment Specific Insights for New Canadians
As a professional coach, who often works with newcomers, I understand the unique challenges faced by them in finding relevant and appropriate professional roles. While there are indeed ample opportunities available in Ottawa, the key to success lies in adopting the right strategies. Enclosed are … [Read more...]
Maximizing Productivity in a Tech Startup: How I Designed My Boundaries and Outcomes
This is from my OAK Computing Days! Managing multiple collaborations and transactions in a tech startup was overwhelming. At one point, I was juggling ten marquee clients simultaneously. The pressure was immense, but I discovered the key to maintaining control and achieving success: clear … [Read more...]
The New LinkedIn: 10 Key User Behavior Changes
Over the past decade, LinkedIn has undergone a significant transformation. Treating it as a traditional social network means missing out on its full potential. Let's explore ten fundamental shifts in LinkedIn user behavior and how you can leverage these changes to maximize your LinkedIn … [Read more...]
Leading with Heart: Ted Lasso’s Timeless Lessons for Modern Leadership
Life and leadership lessons often come from the most unexpected places. Lately, I’ve been soaking up wisdom from none other than Ted Lasso. His unyielding optimism, relentless belief in people, and genuine kindness remind me in every episode that leadership isn't just about strategy and … [Read more...]
Understanding the Differences: Teaching, Mentoring, and Coaching
In my journey as a growth coach and a passionate advocate for intentional success, I've often encountered questions about the differences between teaching, mentoring, and coaching. Each plays a unique role in personal and professional development, yet they are often misunderstood or used … [Read more...]