The belief that friendships last forever is a comforting one, especially in our youth. It gives us a sense of security and connection, something we naturally carry as we grow. When you left your childhood friends behind in India, those bonds felt unbreakable. But what you carried with you was not … [Read more...]
Navigating a Harsh Reality – The Shifting Sands of “What it means to be Canadian”?
The Joy of Writing: Why I Write and How It Shapes My World
Writing, for me, is not just an act - it's a process of discovery, a way to engage with the thoughts that live deep within and bring them to light. It starts with a quiet impulse, something that’s been gathering for years, lying in wait until the moment feels right. Then, in a sudden rush, words … [Read more...]
The Illusion of Idealism: Why Workplaces Aren’t Families and Why That’s OK
This morning, a LinkedIn post referencing a tweet from Adam Grant caught my attention. It talked about how workplaces are better seen as communities and should not be considered your family. Reading through it, and reflecting on the idea, I felt compelled to sit down and write a response. There … [Read more...]
Plant Trees, Not Landmines: The Leadership Choice You Make Every Day
In life, we walk paths without fully considering the impact of each step. And with every decision, we either create smoother journeys for others or leave obstacles behind. This is not just a metaphor for leadership - it’s a reflection of how we shape the spaces around us. Those in positions of … [Read more...]